Site Rules at Walton Firs Activity Centre 

Welcome to Walton Firs Activity Centre! We want your group to have a fun-filled time with us, whilst remaining safe and secure at all times. For the wellbeing of our customers, we request that the following site rules are followed during your stay with us:

1. Activity Centre Duty Manager:

  • We require all customers to respond to the instructions of the Activity Centre Duty Manager at all times. The Duty Manager's priority is to ensure the safety, security and comfort of our customers, and will assume responsibility for the site in an emergency situation. If any issues or concerns present for you during your stay, please contact the Duty Manager on 07508 623 547.

2. Vehicle Parking and Site Access:

  • Customers' vehicles must be parked within the activity centre car park or, subject to staff approval, within the overflow car park.
  • Caravans, motor homes and large trailers are not permitted to park overnight on the activity centre site, unless advance notification of their use has been given to the activity centre at the time of booking.
  • Small trailers that can be pushed may be allowed onto the camping sites, subject to weather conditions.  
  • Where an accommodation building is hired, the customer group may park up to two vehicles in the allocated parking spaces.
  • Where a pod village is hired, the customer group may park up to one vehicle in the allocated parking space.
  • Vehicles that are given approval to be driven onto the activity centre site must switch on their hazard warning lights and not exceed a speed of five miles per hour.
  • Customer vehicles must not stop and unload whilst parked on the campsite track, as this prevents access to the lower area of the activity centre site.

3. Animals on Site:

  • Family pets are not permitted on the activity centre site. However, they may be exercised in the car park area for short periods of time whilst on a lead. Assistance animals are permitted on the activity centre site, where advance notification of their attendance has been given to the activity centre at the time of booking.
  • Wildlife on site should not be fed - please ensure all food is adequately secured, and food waste placed in the bins provided.

4. Nighttime Conduct:

  • Residential customer groups are asked to ensure that young people are in their accommodation by 10:30pm, and no loud noise is made after 11:00pm.

5. Use of Baggage Trolleys on Site:

  • Trolleys are provided for visitors to use to take their kit to their campsite. Please return trolleys to the car park after your use, so they are available for other customers use. Trolleys must not be used to ride in. 

6. Campsite Conduct:

  • Customers are asked to respect other groups that are using the campsites, by not walking through pitched sites that have been booked, or in fields that are reserved by customers in our accommodation buildings. Customers who have concerns regarding campsite etiquette should contact the Duty Manager in the first instance.

7. Use of Machinery and Equipment on Site:

  • Chainsaws and other machinery are not permitted to be used on the activity centre site by customers or volunteers, without the prior approval of the activity centre facilities manager.
  • If customers use trees for a hammock or shelter lines, they must ensure that the tree bark is covered by a canvas to avoid damage to the tree.

8. Use of Washrooms on Site:

  • The activity centre provides supplied toilets, showers, sinks and external water taps for customers use. The washing of cooking equipment or utensils is not permitted in the washrooms or at water taps.

9. Use of Refuse Bins on Site:

  • The activity centre provides a series of industrial refuse bins in the car park for customers use. Customers are not required to sort their refuse into recyclable and non-recyclable items, as the activity centre's refuse contractor processes the waste after the collection.
  • Customers must not empty ash into the refuse bins, due to the risk of fire. Customers should instead use the bin labelled Ash bin.

10. Use of Wet Pits on Site:

  • Customers may dig wet pits in the non-grassy areas of the site.  

11. Use of Firearms on Site:

  • Firearms, air rifles and archery equipment are not permitted on the activity centre site, unless the activity centre manager has issued written approval for equipment to be used on the site. If permission is granted, all equipment must be stored in a secure and locked location, as approved by the activity centre manager.

12. Damage to Activity Centre Site, Facilities and Equipment:

  • It is the activity centre's policy that, where damage to, or loss of, its equipment, property, facilities, or environment can be proven to be the responsibility of a member of a customer group, the customer will be charged in full for all related repair or replacement costs.

13. Smoking and Vaping on Site:

  • Smoking and vaping are not permitted on the activity centre site, the campsites, buildings or activity areas. 
  • A permitted smoking area is located within the car park, next to the bin store area. 

14. Use of Alcohol on Site: 

  • Alcohol consumption is not permitted on site for customers under the age of 18. 
  • Visitors over the age of 18 may consume alcohol discretely, but only in their building or campsite. 
  • It is the responsibility of the customer group leader to supervise their group members consumption of alcohol and to ensure that their conduct remains appropriate.  
  • The Duty Manager is empowered to remove any customer from the activity centre site, if they are, or appear to be, inebriated, or if their conduct or behaviour is adjudged to be antisocial.
  • Any customer who is removed from the activity centre due to their misuse of alcohol may be subject to a banning order.

15. Use of Illegal Substances on Site:

  • The activity centre does not permit the possession, use, selling or purchasing of illegal substances on its site, and report all illegal substance use to the police. 
  • On site possession, use, selling or purchasing of illegal substances will be adjudged to be antisocial behaviour. 
  • The Duty Manager is empowered to remove any customer from the activity centre site, if they are, or appear to be, under the influence of illegal substances, or if their conduct or behaviour is adjudged to be antisocial.
  • Any customer who is removed from the activity centre due to their possession, use, selling or purchasing of illegal substances may be subject to a banning order.

16. Anti-social and Abusive Conduct on Site:

  • The activity centre does not permit anti-social or abusive conduct against its staff or customers, and may report such misconduct to the police, depending on its severity and the expectations of the person subject to the misconduct or abuse. 
  • The Duty Manager is empowered to remove any customer from the activity centre site if they are adjudged to have engaged in anti-social or abusive conduct.
  • Any customer who is removed from the activity centre due to their engagement in anti-social or abusive conduct, may be subject to a banning order.

17. Photographs of Young People:

  • Customers must not take photographs of children or young people on the activity centre site, without holding evidence of parental approval.

18. Safeguarding young People on Site:

  • The activity centre is committed to the safeguarding of children and young people, and operates a formal safeguarding policy in order to ensure their safety and wellbeing on its site (details of Walton Firs Activity Centre's Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy is available to customers upon request, or can be viewed on the activity centre website). 


Our safeguarding policy, incorporating child protection and procedures, is as follows:

  • Walton Firs Foundation is committed to the safeguarding of children and young people.
  • Welfare is paramount and we are committed to implementing procedures and maintaining a code of conduct, which is based on government guidance 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006', or as subsequently amended, with the intention of endeavouring to ensure that no child or young person using the centre's facilities will be placed at risk of harm.
  • References are taken for all trustees, directors, staff and volunteers and checks are made through the Disclosure and Barring Service, or such other agency as may be appropriate.
  • If you are visiting us as part of a youth organisation we require that all adults (18 and over) within your group have undergone the relevant checks and training required by your organisation, and have a DBS check confirming they are suitable to work alongside young people.
  • We will respond without delay to any complaint made that a child or young person visiting The Centre may have been harmed.

Rules on photography

Walton Firs Foundation occasionally use photographic images of visitors for marketing and social media purposes. Consent will always be sought from visiting group leaders before use, but please inform us on arrival if you do not wish for any photographs to be taken.


The Camping Pods
We're thrilled about the popularity of our Camping Pods. Don't miss out, why not make a booking and try them for yourself.


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