
Keep up to date with all the latest goings on, updates and development at Walton Firs by reading our latest newsletter.

Click on the link below to download it as a PDF.


Tomahawk Throwing Range

Our Tomahawk Throwing Range has been completed and sessions have been running throughout the year. Thank you to all our staff and volunteers for their efforts in building and maintaining the range, as well as putting in the time to practice and become the best instructors in the industry.


Aeroball - Basketball on Trampolines!

We are pleased to announce that our Aeroball facilities are now open and ready for groups to enjoy.

This activity combines elements of volleyball, basketball, handball all while jumping on trampolines.

Split your group up into pairs and have your own little mini tournament with 4 participants on the activity at one time for approximately 3-5 minutes before swapping round.



The Camping Pods
We're thrilled about the popularity of our Camping Pods. Don't miss out, why not make a booking and try them for yourself.


At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.

RT @Activate__Youth: Well that's a wrap! Our NCS programme in Surrey is finished for Autumn! Check out what our YPs have been upto this wee…

@team_saraid A massive thank you for your support. We are very glad to be able to be of assistance.

RT @team_saraid: We were pleased that we were able to commence training this weekend, following current COVID -19 government guidelines. A…

Come and try our new and improved frisbee golf course .